Much of the value and pedigree of a watch manufacture is derived from how long the manufacture has been in existence. There has, however, over the last couple of decades, been a bucking of that trend as newer manufactures have entered the market place with fresh takes and technological accomplishments that rival those of any…

Behind The Scenes At The Second Annual Movado Group Summit In Davos
Recently, at the second annual Movado Group Summit in Davos, Switzerland, a host of news, products, ventures and other exciting forays were not only unveiled, but also discussed in detail in a way that was lively, energetic and productive. While this was the second world Movado Group Summit to be held, it was the first…
Storage Wars: The Best USB Keys Of Baselworld 2019, And The Fate Of Storage Units
Well, it has been a tradition here at ATimelyPerspective that after every show, we take a break from all the product news, all the show reviews and all of the interviews to do something fun and different: showcase the way watch brands offer their vital information to journalists. Year after year, we write about the…
I’m Back With The Truth: The Good, Bad And Ugly Of Baselworld 2019
Last Wednesday I finally returned from my 10-day Swiss junket that included a three-day stop in Davos with Movado (that’s an upcoming story in itself) followed by six days in Baselworld. Here, I bring you an insider’s view of what Baselworld really went through this year — the good, the bad and the ugly. And, believe…
Baume Watches Partners With French Ski Brand ZAG For Limited Edition Sustainably Made Watch
Recently, Baume Watches — the watch brand launched by the Richemont Group last spring that is founded on the principles of sustainability –partnered with French ski brand Zag to create a limited-edition watch that retails for approximately $1,350. It is the second limited-edition watch by the brand; the first was a series launched with skater…
Armin Strom Dual Time Resonance Watch Wins Red Dot Award
The prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2019 for excellence in product design has been bestowed on Armin Strom watch brand — for the third time. The brand’s Dual Time Resonance watch wind the international design award in the “Watches” category. We wrote extensively about this watch when it was unveiled late last year, and then again…