Seven women influencers and insiders in the watch industry make their top picks for watches under $1,000.
I’ve been writing about watches (and jewelry) for 34 years and was the first woman watch editor in the USA back in the 1980’s. No easy feat to accomplish, by the way. In fact, I will be writing my story here soon. However, the point here is that I am not alone– there are a host of women around the world who have been covering watches for more than a dozen years and have carved their own niche in the watch world. So, when the New York Times recently ran an article on watches under $1k as selected by six men … I couldn’t help but respond.
I did so by asking seven other women insiders, and interjecting my own thoughts, about the watches they would choose for that price category. Sadly, one industry insider bowed out (not enough knowledge of the “lower priced” watches. But that’s ok because we have some great choices herein. I asked my colleagues, Monochrome-Watches, if we could run the article there because it is much more global in nature. So today, on Monochrome-Watches, we bring you the complete breakdown of what seven women insiders and influencers say are the top watches in this category – – check out how their answers compare to the men’s answers. We welcome your thoughts on the topic, too.
The article includes full photos and the Wow Factor for each watch under $1,000, as picked by myself (Roberta Naas), Sandra Lane (Dubai), Sophie Furlery (Geneva), Elizabeth Doerr (Germany), Carol Besler (Toronto), Tracey Llewellyn (London). Let us know your thoughts.